There are a considerable amount of conspiracies floating around out there that perpetuate the idea that the USA has attempted to change the balance of power so that they are in total control.
The evolving nature of world order means that there has been constant change since the end of the Cold War and the demise of communism. If this peaks your interest then you could try a number of avenues for further research.
Here a number of links that will make you think. I am not trying to sway you either way, merely encouraging you to challenge the accepted beliefs and always question.
New World Order- details.
The basic idea of the concept is that very powerful forces would cause conflict and situations which require solutions (e.g East Timor independence) which will require outside forces i.e the UN to enter sovereign land and then retain control post the conflict. The end goal is a totalitarian world government.
If you are interested further try the videos on this google search.
If you want some relevant information to the World Order syllabus then start here.
For example you will find information about the UNMIT (United Nations Integrated Misson in Timor Leste) which maintains a policing and training role in East Timor to encourage democratic processess to be constructed in this new nation state. They have supervised volunteer collection of arms, swearing in of judges and administered a serious crimes unit which is investigating human rights breaches dating back to 1999.

hmmmmm if only i had an article about world order for my speech.