Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Arrg help me with Economics

This will not provide the answers to the Eco trial. However if you are not sure how to explain a concept or want it explained in another way you should investigate Mr. Wood. This web site may provide you with some additional confidence. If you go to his site which is actually set up for the VCE or Victorian equivalent of the HSC it has some great information, history and analysis.
Unit 1 is intro and yr 11 work
Unit 2 is globalisation and trade policy.
Unit 3 is economic issues.
and Unit 4 is the role of government and government policies.

If you choose say Issues- External Stability and then go to the bottom of the page it then goes through page 1 definitions, 2- Measurement, 3- Terms of Trade, 4- Measurement limitations, 5- recent Aus performance, 6&7- demand factors, 8&9- supply factors, 10- policy approach, 11- International comparisons.

Another point of note is that the statistics button shows graphs and history of the important economic indicators with explanations. If you are after the very latest figures the best site is the Reserve Bank which has the cash rate, inflation and latest exchange rates on the front page if you after more than this then go to the chart pack and investigate further.

Lastly as I mentioned the other day a good source of updated info for your case study is the Economist web site- go to the Country briefings on the left and then all country briefings- it has sepcial links to the BRIC nations but up to date on many, many others.

Good luck.

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