Saturday, October 31, 2009

ECO latest info

Hola Eco gang,
thought I would make sure you are out there and thinking like the guru.

So I have a number of things for you to consider.

1) If you want the absolute up to date information, or have questions you need answered then call the HSC Advice line on 131112. It is open from 4pm to 10pm from 2-4th Nov for Economics, Check out this link if you want dates for other subjects.

2) The latest inflation figures show that underlying inflation is 3.5% and this is why the RBA put up rates by .25% in for the first time in 18months in Oct. The underlying rate is the important figure for the RBA, so whilst headline inflation is still only 1.3% and thus below the 2-3% target, the underlying figure is important as economic conditions being weak is the only thing holding inflation from soaring.
Thus Australia has an underlying inflation problem- which the RBA only has 1 way of dealing with this issue. Unfortunately this will not solve the problem (this requires micro reform regarding productivity and infrastructure investments)
SO when the RBA meets on this Tuesday (which is always put into the background some horse race) it will be interesting to see what happens.

3) The latest figures I have are as follows;
12 months ago
Growth 0.6% June 09 2.7%
Unemployment 5.8% Aug 09 4.1%
Inflation 1.3% Oct 09 4.5%
Household savings -0.4% Sep 09 +0.9%
cash rate 3.25% 7.0%
current account -$38.4bn -$72.5bn
ToT 109.0 Jun 09 120.1

Good luck.


  1. sir you legend, i was lookin for this stuff. thanks alot

  2. sir i went on the economist website and i went to my country but all the information wasnt there. i found this - Country profiles are no longer available in Country Briefings. Where do i go now?

  3. Not sure how I can help an anonymous person. The best places to get free updates on your country are through the World Bank/ countries or CIA world factbook. Alternatively you might find an interesting article on your country in the free section of Country briefings back in The Economist. For example there are two articles on Brazil that would be worth a read if you have the time- Brazil is one of the first G20 countries to emerge from the recession and - Brazil's recovering economy are quite good.
