Fellow economists, here is a copy of a blog I posted last year (Thursday, March 19, 2009). It is highly relevant to what we have been studying and the hyperlinks lead to an interview on the ABC.
Is Foreign Aid good for Africa?
On the 17th of March, Foreign Correspondent (yes on the ABC) had an interview with Dambisa Moyo a Zambian-born economist. This is some of the information from the ABC web site.
"In her new book, Dead Aid, she argues that official aid is easy money that fosters corruption and distorts economies, creating a culture of dependency and economic laziness.
Moyo is particularly dismissive of the ‘celebrity aid’ model popularised by international stars such as Bob Geldof and Bono and says many aid organisations and NGOs are more interested in perpetuating poverty in order to justify their own existence."
Interesting thoughts indeed. Moyo is a believer in trade and the power of the market as opposed to the aid model in which she claims the only growth occurring is in the Swiss banks accounts of the political elite.
Lastly she claims that 10 percent of Africans were living in poverty in the 1970s compared to 70 percent now.
What do you think? It would be good to hear some comments via the blog.... (PS this is not a new concept it is new for an African economist to be suggesting it though)
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