If you an anarchist then you would believe that order is another way of controlling people. That is nation states promote authority which serves to make people subservient. Therefore order is not desireable.
Alternatively you may want to merely have some assistance for your assessment task. A connection took place in alternative universe this afternoon. I was considering giving some assistance to students who read my blog and there was a request at the same time????
So here is some research direction.
1) Look at the new link HSC News Watch to the right in Law Links
2) try http://english.aljazeera.net/. If you scroll down to Focus, features, analysis and comment. There is some very good information here and a friend of mine who is studying a Masters of International Studies states that this is his best source of information.
3) SBS news - not soccer bloody soccer as some say. In fact what is soccer?
4) The Guardian - which is a UK paper with an independent viewpoint.
As I have been saying in class if you are more a visual person then watch the SBS or ABC news and then when you hear a issue you are interested in then search for a related article.
However I do believe that going to the above websites is an easier option.
Merits for comments or discussion on what libertarianism means.
Libertarianism is the idea that individual freedom is maximised through minimisation of government regulation and economic interference to promote equality. I believe government structures are needed to maintain social order. Individuals that have freedom may encourage dangerous behaivour; increasing crime rates and recidivism. Having no economic intervention could lead to the formation of monopoly markets. During economic upturns and downturns the government have little power to introduce monetary or fiscal policies. This will be difficult to stabalise the economy.