Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where is the leadership?

As Australia slides into a rather boring election campaign (thus far) it is worthwhile to note that there is a difference between the two main parties. One outcome that seems certain is the increased importance of the Greens and the animated version of Bob Brown which is worth witnessing after many years of droll, monotone.
I know you want to keep it connected to the main game or the game that you are concerned with at present so here are some articles to read.
The first is the thoughts of business- which interestingly are favouring the ALP at present due to the fact they will lower company tax and be introducing a super broadband. see Fate of business.
Another interesting read is the thoughts of Jospeh Stiglitz who had the following to say on the 730 report. You can watch the intereview with this Nobel economist on the global economy and Australia's performance.

KERRY O'BRIEN: There's been a lot of criticism of waste in the way some of Australia's stimulus money was spent. Is it inevitable if you're going to spend a great deal of government money quickly that there will be some waste and can you ever justify wasting taxpayers' money?

JOSEPH STIGLITZ: If you hadn't spent the money, there would have been waste. The waste would have been the fact that the economy would have been weak, there would have been a gap between what the economy could have produced and what it actually produced - that's waste. You would have had high unemployment, you would have had capital assets not fully utilised - that's waste.


  1. it'll be hilarious if The K.Rudd got voted back in because Gillard isn't doing a great job. She just took Rudd's policies and sprinkled some hundreds and thousands over it. Yes, i agree, this election campaign is boring... i think the labor party should use the fact that they dodged the technical recession to their advantage. Abbott's all "the labor party claims that we avoided the recession because they made swift decisions", Gillard should've said "DAMN RIGHT WE DID!". And its also interesting that Abbott introduced his health reform to fund 2800 beds (whatta shifty dude) because the Labor party's campaign is BASED solely on their health reform. Their policies only differ minutely and i haven't seen the "radical plan" yet. 3 years ago Rudd had the EDUCATION REVOLUTION! what does Gillard have to offer this time? So far its just Gillard and Abbott taking a swing and missing, pretty boring like cricket (no offence Mandeep:) )i don't like either of them, i want K.RUDD BACK IN DA HOUSE... parliament house!

    PS: i think you guys would've figured it out but HERE YOU GO ---> http://www.mastermousepatrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/kevin-rudd-milky-bar-kid-tn.jpg

  2. Sir, did you get my e-mail?

    And in regards to this blog post, I agree with Anthony and much of the public. The election campaign is boring. I don't know about everyone else, but my parents have been trying to make a decision based on the election campaigns and we have all come to the decision that there is little difference between the two and we don't mind who wins.

    I watched Joseph Stiglitz' interview and I agree with his comment about the "waste". If only the rest of the public were more educated in the area of economics to understand that Tony Abbott's campaigns about Labor's debt are all a little bit dramatic (although people seem to be responding to it just as the Liberal party hoped). I think it's dramatic because the debt is inevitable considering the way we emerged out of the recession and the methods we used, which might I add, Stiglitz was quite impressed with.

    Both parties are in fact aiming for fiscal consolidation in the next budget- maybe the future is where everyone (including the political campaigners) should be looking, not at the past (mistakes).

    P.S. it's so mean how people tease Gillard's earlobes
